North West Design Collective

Big Green Farm

A large farmhouse with barns shippon, butchery and stables on a hillside near Blackburn was purchased with a substantial amount of land to create a children’s home facility.

This substantial conversion and renovation was completed on a tight timeline and was on site for just 6 months. We oversaw all the works on site and worked closely with contractor and client to achieve the finish required for the residential facility. The farmhouse has been fit with under floor heating and insulation throughout  to achieve a comfortable environment clear of obstructions. Windows with integral blinds and safety doors have been specified to help the functionality and long term maintenance of the home.

We are working to deliver a site wide masterplan including conversion of a number of outbuildings and the introduction of further staff and residential facilities such an as outdoor activity area.

Location: Lancashire

Client: Commercial

Budget: £750,000

Planning Granted: 2022

Completed: 2023

Contractor: Singleton and Smart

Building Control: BWD Council

Structural Engineer: Reid Jones Engineers

Ecology: Pennine Ecological

Flooring: Altro

Doors: Leader Flush

Bespoke Joinery: Singleton and Smart

Windows: Pennine Ecological