Nightsafe, a charity in Blackburn, were offered the opportunity to work with the BBC’s DIY SOS to deliver a house for six young adults experiencing homelessness. Nightsafe is a long established charity that works across Blackburn to tackle homelessness in the area and in particular, with young people.
Nightsafe were offered the a Church Hall and Parish Rooms from St Silas to undertake this project in.
Through the generosity of individuals and the community of Blackburn, Safe at Silas was complete in just a matter of weeks for the DIY SOS Big Build 2019.
We were asked to design a scheme for six units, staff accommodation and communal living spaces within the existing hall and present it to the DIY SOS team to complete with the help of local community and national sponsors.

The concept behind our design was simple, the height of the existing hall allowed us to design mezzanine units so end users could go ‘upstairs’ to bed. The height also meant living spaces are light, bright and airy.
Location: Lancashire
Client: Nightsafe
Budget: £0
Planning: 2019
Complete: September 2019